Procession of La Borriquita


Religious brotherhood in charge: Fervorosa Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Nuestro Padre Jesús en su Entrada Triunfal en Jerusalén y María Santísima de La Victoria.

The first paso (float) bears a group of wooden sculptures on top. They are all, including the one representing Christ, artworks from Francisco Berlanga de Ávila, a Sevillian expert in this kind of religious craftmanship. He also crafted the sculpture of La Virgen de la Victoria (Our Lady of la Victoria), however, one must admire it from San Sabastián Church, as this sculpture is not taken to the streets.


Departure: San Sebastián Church 


Plaza de los Remedios

Iglesia de la Asunción

Plaza Poley

Carrera Oficial


17:00 h

18:00 h

19:00 h


21:30 h




Map of the route